Where to buy: HobbyKing 2.4ghz T6A
Branded under several other names like Turborix, Exceed and HobbyKing, it’s actually made by FlySky. I have a 3CH FlySky GT3 radio for my cars and they work pretty well. For $33, you can’t go wrong with this programmable 2.4ghz radio system. You do need a computer to program it so if you’re looking to change settings for a different models at the field you’re gonna need a notebook with you. The software isn’t pretty looking but does get the job done. You can save your settings to a file. I have ones made for each of my helis and planes and load them backup to the TX up when needed.
Included in the plain white box
T6A 6 channel transmitter (TX)
6 channel receiver (RX)
bind plug
Things you need to buy
USB TX cable
Binding the receiver (RX) to transmitter (TX)
1. Plug bind plug to BATT on RX
2. Plug battery to ESC
3. Plug ESC to RX (ex. CH3), the red light should flash
4. While holding on bind button TX, turn on TX. The light should turn solid red.
5. RX is now bound to TX!
In order to program the transmitter, you need a USB cable that is purchased separately for a couple of dollars. You also need drivers for the USB cable and some software which isn’t included.
You plug the 4pin end to the transmitter and then into your computer. With the drivers installed, the transmitter shows up as a com port on your computer. In regards to the USB cable you buy, I think the new versions are different. They just use a different chip, CP210x, instead of the previous cable that uses the PL-2303. For me the t6config software didn’t work with the new cable, it would just freeze. I had to use another piece of software written by a rcgroups member, keepitsimple. He wrote it for the Turborix 2.4ghz system which is identical to the HK T6A. You need to install some runtime files and then run his application. It works pretty well. Hope he keeps on improving on it.
Here’s the software you need:
CP210x USB drivers
Geotest ATEasy 6.0 runtime
Programming (Windows XP 32/64bit and Windows 7 32/64bit)
1. First thing is to install the drivers, then plug in your usb cable.
2. Install the ATEasy runtime, just the runtime only. No need for the other stuff

3. Unzip the transmitter program and run turborix.exe. Click “comports” and pick the com port that your USB cable is connected. You might have to try a few to find the right one. Once connected, the “invalid” button should turn green. Move your sticks around on the transmitter. The sliders should move accordingly.

That’s it. I won’t go into details on how to setup your transmitter since it’s beyond the scope of this document.
For the price it’s a great radio. The best part is the receivers are really inexpensive. I can get FlySky RX’s at my local hobby shop for about $10. My Spektrum AR6100/6200 RX’s cost 2-3x more than the T6A TX and RX combined!