These wired headphones went on sale for about $20 so I snatched one up. I wasn’t expecting a whole lot but these are comfortable and the sound quality is great. I use these in my computer room for playing games. Since the PC is a couple of feet beside me so wires aren’t a huge deal. I still like how the wire is only on the left side of the headphones. One annoying thing about wired ones is sometimes they like to use a y-cord attached on both earpieces. So I’m glad these ones are single-sided.

The earpieces are huge. They’re almost the size of CD’s. They engulf your whole ear and block out any external sound. You’re totally immersed in your music and gaming.

The material is very comfortable. I have to say these are the most comfy headphones I’ve ever used. But take that with a grain of salt since I haven’t used too many 😉

The sound quality is very good. There is no surround sound or anything special. These just output 2 channels. They’re very loud and crisp.

There’s these switches on both earpieces that let you change from “Movie” to “Music” mode. They don’t seem to do a whole lot. I switched them from one to the other and I don’t notice anything.
These are a decent set of headphones to let you play it loud and proud without disturbing the wife.