My Apple iPad needed some protection. First off, I bought a screen protector from DealExtreme for about $5. Don’t get ripped off getting one at the Apple Store! To protect the body I got a hard shell for about $6. However, I didn’t like the idea of carrying around my iPad fully exposed. I wanted to hide the fact I have an expensive device. So I looked around for a nice case. Mind you DealExtreme does have a bunch of leather cases for about $12. I just couldn’t wait so I bought one locally.

It has a nice faux-leather finish and a swede-like interior. It looks great and hide the fact it’s an expensive electronic.

Even with a hardshell attached to my iPad it still can fit inside the Elan case. The four straps that keep the iPad in place don’t get in the way too much. But it does cover up some things. Namely the rotation lock switch, power button and a speaker output hole. Mind you. You can still turn it on/off by pressing on the leather strap. I don’t really use the rotation lock switch and the covered up speaker hole doesn’t muffle the sound too much, there are 2 others after all.
I got it at Futureshop for $50. It’s quite expensive but it was worth it. Griffin makes high quality products. I have a number of cases for my iPhone and they’re all great albeit a bit more money than I’m used to. There isn’t much to say since pictures say a lot. It’s a disguise for your iPad in an attractive leather case. It also protects the vital screen. $50 is a lot but so was the iPad 🙂