This isn’t really a review but more of a tip. I have a few compact digital cameras and in my quest to find the perfect case for them, it dawned on me that the sunglass cases I wasn’t using make great camera cases. I’m an Oakley fan. I love their sunglasses. They come with great quality cases which I never use! Why? They’re too big. These cases are designed to carry the sunglasses as well as spare lenses. They’re also very stiff and rigid. The slots for lenses are great for memory cards and batteries (if they aren’t too big).
I know, I know, who’s gonna buy $200+ sunglasses to get the cases right? If you happen to have some already, great, use it. If you don’t, there are alternatives. DX has a few sunglasses that come with cases for under $20 and some under $10! Buy them for the cases and ditch the sunglasses. I have bought a few of their sunglasses and they’re not bad. However, don’t expect them to last. My original Oakley’s lasted many years. These clones are easily broken, but still decent for the price. The cases are what you’re buying them for anyways.

You obviously can’t fit your DSLR in these babies. Your typical compact camera will fit just fine. My Ricoh GR, Fujifilm X20 and Canon SD1200IS fits like a glove. Cameras of that size are perfect for these types of cases. Mirrorless EVIL camera bodies will also fit fine in them if you take off the lens. I even use one of them to hold my Sony NEX E-mount lenses.

Here are a few sunglasses that come with large cases and suitable for digital cameras. If you want real Oakley ones, I believe the Oakley store sells them separately too, I think they’re like $30-$40 just for a case.
CARSHIRO Outdoor Cycling
Sports Sunglasses
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