I got this at DealExtreme for about $43.
I had grand visions of attaching this to one of my flying helis or planes. Weighing in at 16g, it’s pretty light for this purpose.

The only working buttons are the 2 at the front. The 2 at the back are fake. To operate it, you basically hold down the on/off button to turn it on. Then tap the REC button once and it’ll blink and take a picture. If you hold down the REC the light will turn off and it’ll start recording video.

While trying to find a way to trim more weight by taking off the case, I found out it actually has a microSD card inside for storing the data. I have the 4GB version. It claims to be SDHC as well so I wonder if I can shove in a 16GB/32GB microSD SDHC??? hmm…. this could increase the recording time greatly. The battery inside is a 280mah 3.7v 1S battery. It should stay on for about 50mins.
A 20sec clip is about 15MB in size. So it records at about 45MB/min or 2.7GB/hr. This one should hold about 1.5 hrs of video according to my math.
It’s a very light camera to carry around with you or be modified for other purposes. For $40 it’s a bit pricey.
Here is a sample picture taken with the device. Not great but not too shabby.

Here’s a sample video.
[flv:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-apLclonBWk 480 368]