This is the first DIY cube I bought (do it yourself). It was a lot of fun putting together your own Rubik’s cube. At less than $7, it’s a great deal. It comes with all the parts you would need to build one. The great thing about these DIY cubes is that you can adjust the spring tension to your liking. Most store bought cubes will be tight because the manufacturer doesn’t want pieces falling out and having kids eat them.

Here are all the pieces laid out. It comes in a zip-lock bag without instructions. Who needs instructions right? It comes with the core, springs, screws, end pieces, corners, stickers and caps.

It’s very important to put the springs, washer and screw in the right way.

It’s not hard to build your own puzzle cube. It’s quite rewarding too. This is a standard sized cube with the usual 5.7cm x 5.7cm x 5.7cm dimensions.

After it’s built, it’s time to add some colour. It comes with 2 sets of stickers and transfer tape. The transfer tape lets you stick the stickers on the faces easier. You don’t have to place each sticker one by one. The stickers are decent and nothing to write home about. I didn’t bother to put the white stickers on since the cube itself is white already. They’re better than the stock Rubik’s cube stickers that keep on peeling though. Since this came with 2 sets of stickers I actually used the other set to replace the nasty, peeling ones on my original Rubik’s 3x3x3.
The cube was just horrible when I first used it. It has to be dialed in and lube is a must. Most cubers use some sort of silicone spray like Jig-a-loo. A couple of spritz and it was money. It’s got a slight clicky, crisp feel to it. Great for finger tricks. It’s awesome at cutting corners too. I can turn the top almost 45 degrees and it’ll cut like butter. But don’t try this until it’s been lubed and broken in.
It’s hard to say anything negative about this cube considering it’s so inexpensive. I mean it’s miles ahead of any of the toy store bought ones that’s for sure. When it’s properly lubricated, it’s a very fast turner and makes it effortless to solve.
I say if you’re into puzzle cubes, don’t but that Subway sandwich for lunch and get one of these instead. You’ll enjoy it much longer.
Get it at DealExtreme with free shipping